CMPSC 448 Spring 2024: Machine Learning

Course Information

Instructor Lecture Time and Location TA Course Syllabus

Course Goals and Objectives

The goal of this course is to introduce data analysis from the machine learning perspective, in particular how to design and evaluate data-driven solutions for real problems in different domains. Students will gain familiarity with the workings of common machine learning models and will learn how noise and bias in the data affect their results. The course assumes programming skills in Python and knowledge in linear algebra, calculus, basic probability and statistics.


STAT 318 or STAT 414 and CMPSC 122 or prior programming experience. You are expected to have a good understanding of Linear Algebra, Multivariate Calculus, Probability and Statistics, and Programming Skills. We will cover some background material on these topics early in the lectures. However, it is not meant to replace these regular prerequisite courses. For programming skills, you are expected to feel comfortable processing and analyzing data in Python and be familiar with basic algorithmic design and analysis.


Course Schedule

Date Topic Material / Reading Event Due
Part 1: The Basics of Machine Learning and Background
Week 1
Monday Aug 26
Introduction & Logistics
CIML 1.1, 1.2, 1.4
Wednesday Aug 28 The Processes of Learning
Friday Aug 30 The Processes of Learning
CIML 2, 5.6, 5.9 HW 1 Out